How Icelandic Babies are Named
Iceland has a long and solid naming tradition in their culture with a very specific set of unique rules. Since we are sitting around waiting for OUR baby to be born, I thought I would share with you the history…

Reykjavik Fireworks – New Year’s Eve
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Making Laufabrauð with the locals
Laufabraud translates to “leaf bread” in Icelandic and is something most local families will do around the holiday season. Traditionally Laufabraud is eaten with Hangikjot or smoked lamb on December 25th, the second day of Christmas. In this video I…

Searching for Yule Lads in Reykjavik
Walking around downtown Reykjavik in search of the Yule Lads! All around the city you will find a hologram of the 13 Icelandic santas but they are hard to find! I found 8 characters…how many did you find?! Also the…